High Value Home Insurance
High Value Home Insurance
Insurance has become very automated, as has the selling/buying process. It has more so become a one size fits all product , but should your house or your circumstances be slightly different you will find it impossible to buy from the supermarkets insurer or online policy , you do need a policy that is flexible enough to suit your specific needs rather than hope that off the peg policy actually covers you, But please remember a tailor made policy does not have to cost more.
For example if you own a High Value Home Insurance or listed property please remember that although policies are sold without a sum insured or high limits, the inner limitations on valuables which will in fact include furniture works of art and the like will be too low to meet your life style. This type of policy was designed as a sales ploy without the flexibility you need, it may not cover your children’s effects at school or university etc as this policy is just geared at the at the average person and average house.
An experience broker such as Adrian Flux have the expertise to ensure the policy complies with your personal life style rather than try to force you into an off the shelf product, the policy will able to accommodate any changes you desire than you taking out a policy that you later find does flex with you. Also a specialist will understand and cater for any less than usual aspects of the property or even should work at home. And will be flexible with alarm/security requirements.